Do you know what your Unique Selling Proposition is?

My question to you today is - does your business stand out from your competition?

Do you know what your USP is - your unique selling proposition?

The thing that makes you different from everyone else?

To build a successful business we need to stand out. We need our potential customers to understand why we are the best answer to their problems!

Introducing X + Y = USP

The X in the equation is the nuts and bolts of what you offer. Your core offer.

Do you know what your USP is.png

What is it that you offer day to day to help people with?

It would be that you help people with their marketing. It could be that you sell beer. It could be that you run yoga classes.

Now we want to dig into the Y. And this is the thing that you do that's a little different. Your own sprinkling of magic. The extra piece of the puzzle.

So your Y could be that you help people with their marketing and mindset. It could be that you sell award-winning beer that you brew yourself. It could be that you run yoga classes for women in the menopause.

So what's your X and what's your Y?

What's the thing that you add that's different?

And you could have multiple Y's. In fact the more Y's you have the more you stand out from the crowd.

So it could be X + Y + Y + Y + Y = a very unique selling proposition.

And then the next part of the puzzle is - do people know what all your Y's are? Are you effectively letting people know how you stand out from the crowd?

makes you think, huh!

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