6 Time-Tested Strategies for Social Media Success in Business

Hey there! πŸ‘‹ Remember back in 2016 when we were all figuring out how to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media for business? Well, a lot has changed, but the fundamentals remain as crucial as ever. So, let's give that old blog a fresh coat of paint with some updated tips to boost your social media savviness.

Tip 1 – Be Consistent

Consistency is still the name of the game in social media success. Your brand needs to be recognizable across all platforms. From profile pictures to your choice of colors, maintain a consistent image. Also, keep your username uniform across different social media channels. Whether you're @debbiedooodah on Twitter or Instagram, let that consistency build the know, like, and trust factor.

Moreover, consistency extends to your messaging. Stick to your brand persona and avoid sudden personality shifts. Your audience is getting to know you, so don't surprise them with a complete 180!

Tip 2 – Be Stalkable

In the business world, being stalkable is a good thing! Make it easy for people to find you by incorporating social media icons into your email signature, website, and business card. Ensure your Twitter account isn't on lockdown, and use a Facebook Business Page, not your personal profile. It's not just about being on social media; it's about being easily discoverable.

Tip 3 – Drive Traffic to Your Website

Your website is your digital home, so make sure people know how to find it. Add your website link to posts where relevant and include links on all your social media profiles. If possible, use your website to capture email addresses and continue building relationships beyond social media.

Tip 4 – Know Your Customers

Identifying your ideal customer is like composing the perfect score for your business. Take a page from Hans Zimmer's playbook – create content tailored for that one person who benefits the most from your product or service. Knowing your audience allows you to speak directly to them, making your message more impactful.

Tip 5 – Know Where Your Customers Are

You don't need to be everywhere on social media; you just need to be where your audience is. Understand the demographics and behaviors of each platform. Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, choose the platforms that align with your audience and focus on them.

Tip 6 – It's Not All About You!

Remember the 80/20 rule. Don't flood your social media accounts with constant self-promotion. Engage with your audience, share valuable content, and participate in conversations. Being human and relatable makes your brand more appealing. So, ditch the megaphone and join the conversation!

There you have it – six refreshed tips to keep you on top of your social media game. Feel free to share your thoughts, and if you want more tips, I've got plenty up my sleeve!

Check out how I can help you ace social media and build your business.

And just FYI this is a refresh of the very first blog I wrote back in 2016 when I was starting out as debbiedooodah. You can read that blog here!

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash