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6 ways to make the most of your best reviews

I had a fabulous Facebook review pop-up today that made me think how can you make the most of your customers testimonials?

This is what Rob Moore said:

Debbie has been my mentor for the past 7 months while I've been growing my business Cookie - I can't recommend her enough! She has given me so many useful tips and tricks to grow my business on social media as well as being completely honest with me if I'm just doing something wrong. One of the points being that it's fine to stop working sometimes! Her advice and support has not only made me a happier person in myself but has resulted in a quadruple in turnover since we first started working together. What more could you ask for! An absolute pleasure working with her!

Now that is marketing gold, so if something like that lands in your lap, here are 6 ways you can make the most of it.

1.      Ask for reviews

Don’t be shy about asking people to leave you a review. If you offer a service, follow up with an email asking them to leave you a review.

I always add all the links into the email so they can easily click the link and leave the review. I also add in all my links, so Facebook, Google and Linkedin. That way your customers can choose their social media option of choice, and sometimes if you are lucky they will leave you a review everywhere!

If you offer products, you can follow up with a business card with the product asking for a review, an email, or use something like Trust Pilot which collects reviews on your behalf.

Check out these fab trust pilot reviews for one of my lovely clients, Claire at Curious Pancake. When you buy something from her website, you’ll get an email asking you to leave a Trust Pilot review.

And when people leave you great reviews, make sure that you reply and let them know how important they are to you!

2.      Create a page on your website where you collect the best of your reviews.

Mine is called Raves! This way anyone coming to your website can go and take and look at what other people have said when working with you or buying your products.

You can say that you’re amazing until you’re blue in the face, but people are much likely to believe you if they can see recommendations from other people.

3.      Sprinkle your reviews like confetti across your website

You don’t want your reviews to just sit and gather dust on your reviews page – oh no! These bad boys need to be in front of as many pairs of eyes as possible. So use them in among your copy on all your web pages. If you say you’re great, I want to read a review next to it from someone who says you are great.

Share them in blogs if it’s relevant, on your products and services page, on your homepage!

4.      Share them on social media

Share those fabulous reviews with others. Blow your own trumpet. Come on you need to celebrate your triumphs!

So, go create a nice graphic on canva or the wordswag app. Take a screenshot of the review and add it to your Instagram stories. Post about it on your social media platforms.

Big yourself up people!

5.      Flesh those reviews out

If you’ve got a really good testimonial can you turn that into a longer case study, that you could post up as a blog. Or would they be willing to leave you a video testimonial that you can have on your website and share on social media?

6.      Print those bad boys out

Creating a leaflet or flyer? Make sure you add a testimonial there too. Remember people are more likely to believe you are brilliant if other people say it.

 And if you’re looking for a business coach to help you quadruple your turnover, apparently I’m you gal!

Looking for other ways to promote your business? Check out these blogs!