What are your pet hates about underhand sales techniques?

I wanted to talk to you today about underhand sales techniques because this morning I sent out an email, so if you're on my email lists you would've got two emails from me today.


The first email was meant to be for my community the Indie Freedom Seekers, telling them about our group coaching call today and the topic of the conversation. As soon as I sent it, I got emails coming back saying “was this meant for me? I'm not in your group!” So I then sent out another email saying “sorry that everybody got that email if you're not in my group, I apologize!” And I've had quite a few emails back asking me if this was an underhand sales technique? So people were wondering if I'd sent out the original email about the Indie Freedom Seekers as a ploy to get them hooked in. So that then they would go, "What is this thing that she's talking about?" And then come and join the group and give me all their money.

That wasn't my intention and it was an actual blatant mistake, but here's the thing - it made me think there might actually be people out there doing this, sending out emails to the wrong list and then go, "Oops, sorry." as a sales technique and it makes me feel a little bit cringy.

What are your favorite or worst underhand sales techniques? Mine are webinars. I love people that get you to sign up for a webinar, they promise that they're going to deliver some real insight into something. And I don't mind the sales pitch at the bottom because they've given me something for free. But when the webinar is so flaky and rubbish and doesn't really give you anything of any value and it's all about them and sales, it drives me crazy.

Tell me your favorite underhand sales techniques. I wonder what we've all had to put up with in this world of sales and marketing?!

Did you see my recent blog about getting to inbox zero? Check it out here.