business support

How to keep smiling in challenging times

How to keep smiling in challenging times

Boy oh boy have we been having some challenging times around the world this 2020. Forest Fires, protests, landslides, explosions oh and a little thing called a pandemic.

It can be hard to keep smiling in the face of such adversity. To keep focusing on the good stuff, when the news is full of panic and there are people dying across the world from Corona.

So how can we keep our peckers up and keep putting one foot in front of the other?

What are you going to do with the next decade of your life?

What are you going to do with the next decade of your life?

Sometimes we put the breaks on what we could achieve. We poo, poo our ideas. We feel like they belong to someone else. We feel bad about charging for our services. We feel ungrateful for wanting more. The idea of being rich feels dirty.

What would you do if you could do anything? What would you do if no-one was watching? What would you do if anything was possible?

What to do instead of offering your products for free

  What to do instead of offering your products for free

I’ve just jumped off a Live with Small Business Saturday with the amazing Michelle Ovens and we were mostly there to talk about top tips to working at home with children. However, we ended up talking about people feeling like they couldn’t offer their services at the moment, or that they couldn’t charge.

Inbox Zero and the curse of busyness

Inbox Zero and the curse of busyness

I rarely get to inbox zero. I feel like it’s worth putting that out there straight away. Every day my email inbox fills up with emails.

This morning I had 9 identical emails from different email accounts at around 2 am offering me guest blog posting – that’s an easy delete.

But not all emails come in that easy to disregard shape and size. A lot of them require my attention or my thoughts.

What the last 10 years have taught me

What the last 10 years have taught me

Life couldn’t be more different for me than it was in 2009. This time 10 years ago I had just finished chemotherapy and had no hair (anywhere!). Robin was 1 we lived in a small 2 up 2 down, with my friend Kim who lived on a sofa bed in the living room. We were living on income support and various pots of money from cancer charities and I watered down milk to save money (which my friend Kim really hated!)

Feeling the burn of overwhelm? Try these 3 things instead

Feeling the burn of overwhelm? Try these 3 things instead

As female entrepreneurs we have a lot on our plate! Not only are we running businesses and trying to bring home the bacon, but if you’re on your own you’ve got an entire household to run and even if you live with someone, research shows that women do 60% more housework.

That’s a lot of plates that you’re juggling, so no wonder you might feel a little overwhelmed with all the to dos at times!