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☝Have you got a plan?

How are you feeling?

The world is feeling a bit topsy turvy at the moment, which is destabilising and unsettling. The news brings constant changes and doom-mongering which obviously can make you worried about the future.

So what can you do to ensure you and your business rides the waves and enters 2021 stronger than ever?

You need a plan!

A plan will give you goals…

  • Goals to aim for

  • A mapped out path for your business that you can follow

  • It will give you direction

  • A sense of knowing in all the uncertainty

But plan spam!

What good is a plan if you're uncertain you can pull it off? If you've been dreaming of taking certain steps, but never take the first one? If your confidence and belief in yourself is off kilter?

Have you been dreaming of launching that course? Starting a new business? Going off in a new direction? Moving to a new town? Going live with your ideas? Starting those Instagram Ads? Getting that Facebook group going? Building that networking group? Starting a subscription offer? Writing that book? Getting your podcast off the ground?

A plan is all well and good, but you also need the belief in yourself and a little bit of magic to get it going!

Come and join me...

For an intensive half-day where we map out your plan.. Where we dig into your beliefs, your habits and behaviours, your skills and capabilities, your values and your identity.

We'll uncover any unconscious and conscious beliefs that you have about yourself and your ability to make your goal a reality and then we'll change your belief script.

Those limiting beliefs that you have about yourself, that you're not good enough, smart enough, that no-one will want to buy your products, that no-one will read your book, that no-one will want to join your course - we'll hit them head-on.

So you have a plan and the belief to make it happen.

I've worked with entrepreneurs since 2013 and the one thing that's always holding them back is themselves. Skills and techniques you can learn. But if you don't believe in yourself?

I'm here to help you build a business you love, even in these uncertain terms.Disney, IBM and Airbnb all started in a recession - this is definitely not the time to lay low and wait for the clouds to go.

This is the time to build and grow!

Here's what one of my past clients have said about working with me 'her advice and support has not only made me a happier person but has resulted in a quadruple in turnover since we first started working together' and what was Rob Moore's biggest business problem? His belief in himself.

We'll spend a morning or afternoon together over zoom (with plenty of breaks!) and really dig into you, where you want to be and what's holding you back and change those conscious beliefs!

If you're interested just click the link below - the price is £340 and I only have space for 6 sessions between now and Christmas.

Let's get our ducks in a row and move into 2021 with a killer mindset and a plan to make shit happen!