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How To Give Your Business More Curb Appeal

Every business owner has one thing in common: they’re trying their hardest to get customers through their doors rather than their competitors. Doing this can be difficult, especially when what you’ve got to offer is on the inside of your premises rather than the outside. So what’s the solution here? How can you attract people to come into your store? Check out these fabulous ideas on how to give your business more curb appeal.

Bright colours

One thing that will always catch people’s attention is by using bright colours on the exterior of your premises. Whether you do this by painting your exterior walls (remember to get your landlord’s permission!), parking bays, or even trolly shelters, having bright colours is a sure fire way of getting people to check out what you’ve got to offer. If you’re unable to use bright colours, why not use a lit up sign to catch people’s attention?

Use shrubbery and plants

Whether you’re a plant enthusiast or not, you’ll agree that an area decorated with flowers looks much more inviting than a bare piece of ground. Why not make your business look welcoming and pretty by planting some shrubbery and pretty plants around the grounds? The multiple colours from the plants will brighten up the area and the shrubbery will keep it looking neat during winter seasons. Don’t forget to show that you’re super environmentally friendly by installing adblue storage tanks to collect water to keep your plants healthy and hydrated.

Keep it clean

One mistake that many business owners make is not taking care of the grounds that their business premises sits on. You may have seen in the past, run down looking buildings and litter in car parks. Don’t make that mistake with your business! Keep it clean by having someone to pick up litter and providing bins. Have your windows washed, and every now and then have the building jet washed to keep everything looking sparkling.

You should also keep an eye on your sign over the years, as quite often plastic can become discoloured. If you noticed this happening and you’re not able to clean it, then consider buying a new one to keep your business looking tip top.


Finally, why not use the walls and windows of your building to advertise? Imagine you were new to town and didn’t know what you offered as a business? Showing your latest deals and hottest products to potential customers is sure to get them through your doors and straight for the checkouts! Remember that displaying awards and other achievements with the business is another way to impress people and have them wanting to know more about you!