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How to Reduce Errors in the Workplace

Errors in the workplace can be costly and time-consuming. This blog post will show you how to reduce the mistakes in your company so that you can get back to focusing on what is important: growing your business!

The Cost of Errors in the Workplace

The first step to reducing errors in the workplace is understanding their cost. The price of a mistake can be significant, especially if you factor reputation damage and lost time into the mix. The average cost of an error in the workplace is $15,000.

You can calculate how much time has been wasted due to productivity losses from errors by multiplying average hourly wages by lost hours per incident. For example, if a mistake costs you one hour for each person involved (including yourself), then that would add up to eight hours when multiplied by three people. This equates to around $120 spent every time there is a mistake.

How to Reduce Errors in the Workplace

Now that you understand the cost of errors, it is time to learn how to reduce them. The following are some tips for reducing the number of mistakes in your business:

Use checklists

A checklist can help ensure that all steps in a process are completed, and it can be used as a training tool so that new employees are familiar with all aspects of their job. Include everyone in problem-solving. Bringing everyone into the problem-solving process helps avoid finger-pointing and allows team members to share their ideas on how to fix the issue. 

By including everyone in problem-solving, you will also ensure that the best ideas are being used to fix issues. Furthermore, team members won’t resent each other for not being included in decision-making processes. This helps reduce mistakes when an employee forgets something their supervisor told them—or isn’t sure what is expected of them if written instructions aren’t clear enough.

Train employees regularly

Training employees not only ensures they know what they are supposed to do but also gives them an opportunity to ask questions and raise any concerns they might have.

Avoid rushing

Always give yourself enough time to complete a task and double-check your work before submitting it or making any final decisions on the project.

Manage change well

Change is inevitable in every business, but you need to make sure that employees are ready for whatever comes their way. When introducing new changes into an existing process, be patient with team members as they get used to the updates. An example of great change is hiring OKR consultants in order to streamline your workforce and enable the company to be as successful as possible.


Errors are costly and can cause problems in the workplace. So the first step to reducing mistakes is understanding their cost, which you have done! Next, keep training your employees regularly, so they know what’s expected of them. Also, make sure that everyone feels included when it comes to problem-solving because including others will ensure that the best ideas for fixing issues are being used. By following these recommendations, you should see an improvement in mistakes within your company!

Photo by fauxels from Pexels