Episode 102 - How We Can Design Our Lives Around Months & Seasonality with Hedvig Murray

We are joined on this week's podcast by Hedvig Murray, a Life Coach for Women. Hedvig took the "scenic route" to become a life coach, which included designing community gardens in London, teaching people to grow food in Brighton and working on organic farms in Italy.

She realised all these jobs were about helping people to re-design their life and supporting them to make it happen, so then decided to focus on that. We chat with Hedvig about how months and seasonality can impact us all, and how we can start to design our lives around them.


Find Hedvig’s projects here

If you want to live in sync with your inner seasons, the first step is to get to know your cycle.  Not just when you’re in the different inner seasons, but how you feel.  The Cycle Tracker is designed for you to do that.  Record how you feel on each day of your cycle.  You’ll also get two extra bonus:

  •  4 emails over the next month with more info about each inner season and 

  • a surprise bonus at the end of the month


Here is the link to Hedvig’s website: http://girasolelifedesign.co.uk/


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