Are you stuck and unable to move forward?

I'm talking to you about feeling stuck - in your business mostly - and the feeling that you're not able to take any action. I've been talking about this with a number of clients that I've been working with and there's a common thread, a common mistake that many of us entrepreneurs are making; I have made it and I'm sure that you will have as well. 


It's the feeling of having so many different things that we could do, so many different pieces of advice, so many ways to move forward that actually we just get stuck. We just get stuck in the thing that we're doing and we don't know what is the best thing to move the business forward. What is the one thing that's going to make the difference?

And because we're stuck in this anxiety of having to make the right decision, we don't move forward. I call this ‘stuck in student mode’. There are so many coaches and advisors and emails and blogs and Facebook Lives and videos and tutorials and free guides and things that you can constantly be downloading, watching, engaging with, reading, listening - even when we're running, when we're going to bed, we're constantly grabbing information and advice. 


Here's the thing though - if you get stuck too much in student mode, if you're constantly learning and you feel like you can't move forward because you don't know all the answers, you're going to get stuck in the mud, and your business is not going to go forward. 

Are you the sort of person who will sign up to another online course, to another free guide, to another email list and then feel the overwhelm of having lots and lots of opinions and advice on your business? 

Maybe just choose one or two people that you listen to, that help you move your business forward. You don't have to listen to everybody. Turn off some of those emails. Get rid of some of those PDFs, stop signing up to courses. I bet you know the thing that you need to be doing to move your business forward. I bet you know what that is or that one thing that you could be doing, that you could be focusing on this month to move your business forward. 

If you focus on that and do that action, do that piece of work, then you can move onto the next piece of work, but there's so much overwhelm out there. There are so many pieces of advice. No one person has all the pieces of advice that you need for your business, so you need to turn off some of that noise.

Less learning, less student mode, more action is the thing that's going to grow your business.