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Everyone’s lockdown is not the same.

I was going to start this by saying ‘if you had a problem looking over your shoulder at what everyone else is doing, you’re probably going into overdrive now’. But then I realised that we’re all human and we’re always comparing ourselves to others. It’s what we do. We’re hard-wired into it.

So let’s re-write that as I bet you’re comparing yourself to others right now, you know because you’re human!

Comparing yourself to others can be helpful, it can inspire us to do more. But at its worst, it can leave us paralysed. Unable to move forward because compared to what everyone else is doing, you don’t feel that great.

So I just wanted to come on here and say not everyone’s lockdown is the same.

Not everyone is experiencing the same things. And so of course, we’re not all about to instantly create lots of new products and put out lots of social media noise.

Some people are working at home with children. Some people aren’t. Some people’s children nap during the day, others are small and want to constantly play. Some people are living on their own. Others are living with families. Some people are in big houses, with massive gardens. Others are living in a studio apartment with no outside space. Some people have savings, partners that are loaded and no mortgage. Others are scraping by and worried about their financial future. Some people are working 70-hour weeks, others are on furlough and sunbathing every day. Some people know several people who have died. Others know none. Some people have to self-isolate for 12 weeks, others can go to the supermarket. Some people were already in the midst of divorces, house moves and health issues that they still have to deal with. Other people are perfectly happy.

No two lockdowns are the same, so it’s unfair of you to compare what’s happening in your business with someone else’s.

Be kind to yourself. Switch off notifications, unfollow people, delete emails. Do what you need to do to look after yourself.

Take the time you need to do what you need to do. Even if that thing is doing nothing.