Why you should tap into your core values


These are still strange times that we're in and it can be all too easy to feel discombobulated and unstuck from the lives we had before the coronavirus. A study has shown that only 9% of us want to go back to the lives we had pre-corona. But what does this mean for our lives and our business? 

It’s important to understand how you can tap into your core values and core desired feelings. And once you’ve grabbed these, we can hold tight, create our North Star, and start to wonder what does it mean to live a life according to your values.

How can you bring more creativity, fun, compassion, honesty, authenticity, into your life?

Identifying the core values is one of the first things I do with my clients, and it helps build a stable foundation with which to build their business upon. 

What do you think your core values are?

Did you see my blog about How to break up the monotony of the quarantine? Check it out here.