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My Top 3 Tips for Managing Facebook or Instagram Ads

My first tip as to how to make the most of Facebook ads and Instagram ads is to get the Pixel code on your website. The Pixel code is a free piece of code from Facebook that measures and captures the data of people who go on your website, so that you can market to people who you know are already interested in you.

The second piece of advice is do not boost. Do not boost! Do not fall into the trap that Facebook sets for you to boost your posts. It will be sending you notifications saying, "Oh my God, your post is 78% better than the last post. Click boost to share it with more people." Don't do it. It's like crack for Facebook ads. What happens is once you boost, it will reduce the reach of your subsequent posts, trying to kickstart you into boosting and spending more money with Facebook ads. I've tested it and it took me three months to get back to the organic reach I had before. Instead of boosting, create an engagement ad in the back-end, in the Facebook Ads Manager.

Tip number three - experiment. Try things out. You can create a Facebook and an Instagram ad for as little as £1 per day, but don't create that first ad and go, "Oh, it didn't work." Test things out. Test the audience, test the type of places you post it. Test the graphics that you use. Test the captions and the text that you use. Test the call to actions, test it all out. The more you test it out, the more you're going to understand.. So start off with one pound a day and build up from that.

One of my clients is now spending well over £350 per month and for each pound they spend, they get anywhere between £9 and £18 back in revenue, so Facebook and Instagram ads can massively work for your business, but be prepared to test things out.

I've launched a Facebook ads mini-course! Learn how to grow your business from £1 a day. Master the art of Facebook & Instagram Ads & create a sales funnel that works all your round.