Why generosity is good for your business — debbiedooodah

Why generosity is good for your business

Why generosity is good for your business.png

I was going to write today about why multi-tasking is a myth, but instead I’ve decided to write about generosity and two things that have happened over the past day to make me consider generosity in business and why a little bit can go a long way.

This weekend Aidan and I are off to celebrate his birthday in the rolling Staffordshire countryside. So we’ve booked a cottage and to be honest spent more per night than we normally would (there’s a feeling we need to make the most of every experience post-lockdown, I’m sure you know what I mean).

So expecting it to be a gorgeous experience, filled with love and laughter I was shocked to get a message this morning telling me that there would only be 1 loo roll per person, a small amount of soap and enough firewood for one night.

There was also a message telling me not to have a party. I mean a party of two is one of the smallest types of parties known to mankind, but you can bet your bottom dollar I am now going to try to party like it’s 1999.


So, the message beseeched me to bring extra loo roll, soap and firewood as they would only be providing the minimum of personal allowances.

Given that the nightly fee is the most we’ve ever paid, and packing loo roll, soap and wood in with my fancy bits, wasn’t what I was expecting, it’s left a bad taste in my mouth.

I mean how much is a singular loo roll? A quick check on Ocado and 1 loo roll costs 0.33p.

Every experience we have with a brand matters. A small thing like being tight on loo roll can dampen the whole thing and make us feel resentful to the person we are giving our money too – not the emotions anyone would want to be associated with their brand.

In contrast, I started working with a new client this week and although he is clearly paying me for the experience, he sent me a gift worth £177 (and thankfully after our first session doesn’t regret it!).

No wonder his business is making 6 figures – his values, his why and his generosity is tip top. He’s all about abundance, not scarcity.

And when I start working with people, I send them a little gift and card made for me by local creatives. I want to be generous in my business and I want people to have the best service possible.

So where do you sit within your business?

Are you counting the singular loo rolls or going above and beyond generously giving to enhance people’s experience of you?

And it is worthwhile considering. Not just because your customer’s experience will be totally different, but also thinking about your mindset.

How successful are you going to feel if you are penny pinching all the way? How abundant are you feeling if you are counting loo rolls?

Generosity is such a beautiful human trait. We all want to be and feel loved. The more generous and abundant you are, the more your experience of life will be beautiful and amazing.

I’m thinking Scrooge here, and we all know how that ends.