business coach UK

How to cure yourself of comparison and what you should do instead

How to cure yourself of comparison and what you should do instead

We’re all tempted to compare ourselves to others – in fact, it’s inbuilt. The desire to fit in, to be part of a community, is as much as part of the human experience as farting!

You might look at others and think that they are achieving more, that they are more organised than you, that they work with better clients, that their website copy is better written than yours.

Why multi-tasking is bad for your brain - what to do instead

Why multi-tasking is bad for your brain - what to do instead

Have you ever got to the end of the day and wondered what you’ve achieved? Have you ever found yourself staring at your screen with tons to tabs open on your web browser? Have you ever been halfway through a task and found yourself with your phone in your hand looking up something completely unrelated?