The Nine Business Books that changed my life

Today is world book day – so I wanted to share with you the nine business books that have changed my life. The ones that have left an imprint on me, and that I keep referring to time and time again.

In fact, I’ve read most of these books several times.

And the lessons and learnings I’ve got from them have helped change the way I think about myself, about my business and about the world around me.

Do pause by Robert Poynton

I love this little book full of tips and reasons why we need to pause more in our lives. To reconnect with ourselves and with others for better communication, creativity and relationships.

Big Magic – Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Quite a few people have told me that the reason they started their business is because of this book. It a comforting read, full of tales of where ideas come from, how we can let go of them and grab the ones that matter.

The Desire Map – Danielle LaPorte

Why shouldn’t we dig into our desires and then create a life that fits around us? Danielle takes you through a process to help you dig into what you truly desire in your life, so you can start creating goals with soul.

How to Style your Brand – Fiona Humberstone

For those new to business, or those looking for a refresh Fiona takes you through a number of guided tools to help you create your own unique brand. I love the way she simplifies brands to seasons and helps you discover your brand personality.

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Another clarion call to just do it. This book is full of support and guidance to take the big leap, to follow your desires and be brave enough to just do it!

Get Rich Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield Thomas

The Queen of money mastery, Denise shares lots of stories and tips in this book to help you build a better relationship with money. Some of my clients love this book and some of them hate it! It’s definitely marmite, but for me, it really helped me to identify and start the process of recognising my own money stories.

Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

This book is all about how to use great storytelling to grow your business. It provides a fantastic framework to start mapping out your brand, your customers and how to simplify your messaging so that it cuts through the noise.

The One Thing by Gary Keller

Love this book for it’s simplicity. Helping you discover your one thing, to cut through the clutter, simplify your business and give you the focus you need to grow your business.

Life Scale – How to live a more creative, productive and happy by life by Brain Solis

This book is a gem, full of ideas and concepts to help you start to delve into what makes you happy and how to be more creative. The premise is that the path to happiness is through creativity, and it’s full of ideas and hacks to help you reconnect with who you are and who you want to be.

There are so many extra books I’ve got on my shelves that I would love to share with you, but these are the books that I refer to time and time and again, I re-read them, I tell my clients to read them and they inspire me to gain more clarity, more focus and more confidence running my business.

I absolutely love reading – there are generally piles of books around the house that are half started and half-read, both fiction and non-fiction. I dream of a week away where I can just plough through all these books re-reading ones I love and exploring and discovering new books.

Ideas can change our lives.

Wondering how to work smarter? I’ve got a whole series on just this!