
Stop! You might be the one thing getting in the way!

Stop! You might be the one thing getting in the way!

Does it sometimes feel that you’re not getting anywhere? That you can take 2 steps forward and 3 back? That when you check out your bank balance it’s not really where you want it to be?

Could it be that no matter how hard you try, how many experts you listen to, how many webinars you sign up to, you’re still left in the same place?

4 ways to deal with your negative thoughts

4 ways to deal with your negative thoughts

4 ways to deal with your negative thoughts - hint they're generally just trying to look after us!

We all have negative thoughts in our head. Telling us not to try things. Telling us we’d look silly if we even attempted something new. That it would fail. That no-one would buy it. That we shouldn’t get too big for our boots.