I’m a big believer in 90-day goals. Cutting up the year into manageable chunks of 90-days and then sitting back and looking at what you want to achieve in the next 90-days.
Sometimes looking at the whole financial year can feel overwhelming. Especially if we are then asked to set tasks and create actions alongside. I find it difficult to know what I’m cooking for dinner tomorrow, let alone what actions I’m going to take to grow my business in November!
5 things I learned taking a break from business
You might have noticed that I was a little quiet over August. I was off having my first ever 2 1/2 week break from work, well since I started my business.
Over the 5 years I’ve been running my own business things have changed quite a bit. I started out as a social media manager, supporting other businesses to grow their networks and sell their products. It was fun, but it also made going away on holiday rather tricky.