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5 ways to get your first Facebook fans

Congratulations you’ve set up your Facebook business page and now you need some fans.

Why? Because you want people to see what you’ve posted, fall in love with your brand and buy your products and services.

The more fans you have, the more potential customers will trust your brand, popular people look more knowledgeable!

And the more fans you have the increased likelihood more people will see your posts. The more likes and share you have the larger your organic reach. Like ripples in a pond, the bigger the initial stone being thrown in (your number of fans), the wider the reach of the ripples (their friends).

It can be an uphill struggle getting those first initial fans, so here’s 5 tips for you to start the ball rolling.

1 – Make sure your Facebook page is complete

Facebook will see your page as credible if you have completed your 'about' section. Make sure you have a username, entered a category, written your story, added your email, website. The more details you’re happy to add here the more likely Facebook is to start showing your posts to people.

2 – Use your personal Facebook page

You can invite your personal Facebook friends to like your page. Now they may not all be interested in buying your products, but they will give you a good starting point.

You can also share posts you have written on your business page onto your personal page. Now you might feel uncomfortable doing this, and that’s fine. Some people do like to keep their business and personal lives separate, but it is a quick win way of getting more people to see your content.

3 – Use Facebook groups

Facebook groups have really taken off in the recent years, although there are some restrictions on posts seen in groups (the same algorithm rules apply here as apply to pages).  

If you aren’t already in some groups, do some research into groups in your area or nationally. You’re really looking for either groups that will support you to grow your business or groups where you can find your ideal customer.

Now different groups have different rules, so make sure you find out what they are. Some groups are totally against promotion and some have certain days when it’s fine to promote. Learn the rules before you start posting!

You can share your content in the groups, or maybe introduce yourself and ask people if they’d like to come and give your page a like.

4 – Post interesting content

Your posts will only be seen if they are interesting and engaging. So the onus is on you to create content that your ideal customer wants to see.

If you post boring posts that no-one wants to read, Facebook will reward you by showing them to no-one. Get to know your ideal customer really well!

5 – Invite likers to be a fan

You’ll notice that you’ll be able to see the names of the people who have liked your posts. Click on this list of names and you’ll be able to see which people are already fans and which are not. Invite those that have liked your post, but not yet fans to come and like your page.

So here are 5 ways to start your Facebook journey!

Want to read more? Check these other blogs on Facebook.