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Stop! You might be the one thing getting in the way!

Does it sometimes feel that you’re not getting anywhere? That you can take 2 steps forward and 3 back? That when you check out your bank balance it’s not really where you want it to be?

Could it be that no matter how hard you try, how many experts you listen to, how many webinars you sign up to, you’re still left in the same place?

A little bit overwhelmed and confused?

If you’re feeling this, you’re definitely not the only one!

Could you be the one thing that’s getting in the way?

Ultimately, we’re all alone in this business thing. We can work with coaches to help us build a strategy. We can follow experts and try and implement their advice. We can listen to hours of podcasts and get all excited about growing our businesses.

But here’s the thing. At the end of the day it’s generally just you doing the work.

Yes, you might have a VA to help you implement your fantastic sales funnel, and yes maybe you’re working with someone like me to help you see the wood for the trees.

But when you’re sitting down at your desk, looking at all the decisions to be made it is just you.

But here’s the thing. Are you doing the right work?

Are you doing the right things to get you where you need to go?

Maybe you’ve been in business for a good while now, but you still don’t really believe that you deserve success. Or you think it’s an accident you are where you are. Or you find pricing and valuing yourself hard.

If that’s the case, then before you take another step you need to work on yourself.

It doesn’t matter how many plasters we stick on ourselves. We are always ourselves.

And so if you don’t believe in yourself, you could be the one thing that is holding yourself back.

Do you find yourself self-sabotaging excellent opportunities when they come up?

Not answering that email in time? Forgetting to apply for that tender. Essentially hiding under the duvet? Do you tell yourself that no-one would pay that, even though there are plenty of people in your field charging more?

3 simple steps to help you get out of your own way.

Now this is a long process, we don’t re-wire our brains to be all positive instantly. But taking steps to get there is key!

You’ve got to believe in yourself!

1.      Find out how others see you.

Ask your nearest and dearest to describe you in 3 words. Find your best testimonials and print them off. Buy a little notebook and write down every time someone says something nice about you.

The more we start to see ourselves as others see us, the easier it is to let go of our own warped sense of ourselves.

2.      Start to re-wire your brain

Buy another little notebook (who doesn’t like stationary!) and write down positive affirmations every night before you go to bed.

Honestly if anyone ever reads it you’ll look a bit like a narcissistic – but it’s just for you!

I write things like:

I am enough, I am lovable, I am an expert in my field, I deserve good things, I earn £xk a month, I am beautiful, people love my products, I get great results for my clients…

As crazy as it sounds, I’ve been doing this for years and it helps me no end.

3.      Name & shame your mind monkey

You know, the little voice in your head.

Mine looks a little like the cigar-smoking granny in Roald Dahl’s The Witches. She means well, but she wants to keep me safe. But I want to be brave, not safe. So I thank her and move on.

Yours might look and sound different. But know that just because your brain thinks it, it’s not true.

Got lots of negative thoughts - here are 4 ways you can deal with them!

I think we’re always a work in progress and we can all work on this stuff. But I really hate it when I see people stuck and unable to move forward. Really amazing capable people, who are the only thing that is stopping them get where they want to go.

It’s not always about learning some new marketing whizadry, or being on instagram more. You can make enormous massive shifts, by just stopping and working on what’s happening inside.

Want to find out how I can help to take massive shifts? (sorry if you read that quickly you might be thinking I can help you do something else!)