7 tips to manifesting your dream life!

I love a bit of manifesting, especially at this time of year when I feel the excitement of the unknown and starting a whole new year.

For me, it’s a time to reflect and quietly sit and think about where I want to go.

It’s also tax return time, so we all have a good reminder of the success of our business and can’t hide from those figures anymore.

I’ve just had a session with my accountant and I have doubled my income which is pretty exciting. But for me that’s not come out of thin air, it’s come from me manifesting, being intentional and putting actions alongside my visions.

So, I wanted to share with you the 7 ways that I’ve cleared some of my clutter and started manifesting and creating my dream life.

When I started my business just over 6 years ago I was charging £15 an hour and was reliant on benefits to top up my income and put food on the table for me and Robin. If I can do it, so can you.

So, here are my 7 top manifesting tips.

1 – Clear away your physical clutter

Before you can let anything fabulous into your life, you need to clear away your clutter. And I mean your literal clutter.

How can you let amazing fabulous opportunities into your life if your office and home look like a bomb site? How can there be any space for the new, if you’re hanging onto the old?

The saying ‘out with the old in with the new’ is apt here.

Notwithstanding the time you’ll be wasting looking for that thing, or that file on your computer. Create easy systems. Have things you need daily within easy reach. Think of all the time you waste searching for things.

Throw things away, give stuff to charity. Be ruthless. Cut the ties and let things go.

I paid for a declutter lady to come to my home and help me cut out the crap. She literally re-arranged my kitchen and made everything easier to come by. I read Marie Kondo’s The Magic of Tidying up and got rid of so much stuff that didn’t give me joy and I magically folded all my clothes how she showed me and now when I get dressed in the morning I can see all my clothes neatly rolled up and ready to go.

When I moved house I was downsized and got rid of so much stuff, it was so liberating. I threw away old photographs, cleared out drawers filled with crap and threw away keepsakes I’d been holding onto for years, like my 21-year-old Doc Martens that were no longer wearable. It felt good.

My friend Mali was working away, and when she came back to her home in Barcelona thieves had literally stolen everything she owned. In fact, they had gutted her apartment and moved in. After she got over the shock, she told me she found it strangely liberating. Now she felt free, she could go anywhere and do anything.

Make way for the new.

2 – Clear away your mental clutter

Your mental clutter starts with the thoughts you may have (we all have them) that you’re not good enough, that no-one will want you and that there’s no point starting or trying as you will fail, or even that if your successful everything will change so you don’t want to start.

It’s also all that mental clutter that you might have around money. Money doesn’t grow on trees. You have to work hard to deserve any money. Rich people are nasty. My relationships will change if I start to earn more money. I don’t deserve to be rich. Nothing ever good happens to me so why would anything change.

Start noticing when your brain does this to you. There are a number of techniques I’ve used to deal with this stuff.

You can ask yourself when these thought arise if they are actually true? Do you know 100% that they are true? If they aren’t true, what is actually true?

You can know that it’s your flight and fight primitive brain trying to keep you safe from lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Let your brain know (mine looks like the Grandma from George’s Marvelous Medicine) that you’re ok and you’ve got this and you want to step out and be brave.

The more intentional you become about noticing these thoughts, the quicker you are to nip them in the bud. It’s a process, like lifting weights. The more you do it the stronger and better at it you become.

3 – Get intentional about what you want

Allow yourself to dream. Go crazy. Think about the life you want, the car you want, the house you want, the freedom you want, the holidays you want, the clothes you want, the time you want, the partner you want, the food you want, the garden you want, the money you want, the body you want, the bedroom you want, the clients and customers you want.

Write it all down. And then write it down again. And again. And again.

4 – Then go BIGGER!

Even when we’re dreaming and thinking about what we want there will be an internal monologue saying, that’s too much, that’s unrealistic, you can’t ever expect to get that.

Dream Big!

5 – Create a vision board

How to create goals to build your dream business

Get a big piece of paper or card or buy a big scrap book or folder with pockets and start finding words and pictures in magazine that represent your best life. Get cutting and sticking and get creative.

Allow yourself to have fun and imagine what that life would look like.

6 – Have gratitude

One of the more powerful things I did at the start of my business was write down everything I wanted. And then a wrote another list of all the things I had.

I realised I already had a lot of the things I wanted. Granted I had a 27 year old Golf not a new BWM, but I still had a car. I didn’t own my own home, but I did rent a pretty nice place and have a roof over my head.

Coming from a place of gratitude will help you to feel good about yourself and where you are.

Focusing on what you lack only brings more of what you lack.

7 – Get a magic notebook

Now if you listen to my podcast you’ll have heard me speak about this before.

I have a magic notebook on my bedside table and every night I write affirmations in it and dream about my life. All the things we spoke about in number 3.

It’s a small notebook and I write 2-sides of paper. I also write it in red ink from a beautiful fountain pen (I read that this makes it more magical).

I can honestly say that when I fall off the wagon with this one I get less clients. The more I do it, the more opportunities present themselves.

Magic or not, it has definitely worked for me.

There that are the top 7 things I do to manifest my dream life. Now obviously I want to put a caveat in here. You also have to do work. You have to create a list of actions that can help you get what you want. And you have to set goals to make those actions happen.

Just dreaming and writing and red pen, without action won’t cut it! But these manifesting techniques alongside the actions and goals are going to get you much closer to the life you want to live.

Find out how I can support you to build your dream life with my new offer - debbiedooodah’s business buddies