Are you feeling overwhelmed? It might be time for a business detox!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, you’re not alone. And this is actually a sign that it’s time for a business detox. We’re talking about untapping yourself from the things that take you away from yourself.

How do we become more mindfully aware making deliberate choices about our lives and our businesses when there are a million messages coming at us?

To really be able to tap into your own intuition, your feeling about what’s right and what’s wrong, you need to create a little space, so you can hear yourself.

We need to unconnect with the outside world, well the bits of it that make us feel disempowered, trigger our anxieties, create noise in our worlds, all the things that makes us feel less than perfect.

So I asking you to do a business detox - the key to starting to help with overwhelm!

The Business Detox

Detox your email inbox

First your inbox - how many emails are you allowing in your inbox each day that you either delete or never read? Get unsubscribing! Maybe you signed up to a freebie months ago, but you've never really connected with that person or business. Just unsubscribe. Don't feel bad, don't let the FOMO get to you, you've not missed out on anything so far. We need to start removing all the noise.

Yes you might really admire the person you’re unsubscribing from, but if you're not reading them and you've never bought anything from them, then it's just clutter in your life. And if you miss them turning up in your inbox - guess what you can sign up again. It's not like that top you took to the charity shop 3 years ago and have regretted ever since. You can get their emails back again!

Detox your social media feeds

Next, do the same for your social media feeds. If someone is in there that is triggering something for whatever reason, unfollow, unfriend, delete! Don't feel bad. They don't get a notification - remember you get to decide what you let in to your life.

This biggest difficulty with social media is comparison - but we're always comparing our worst day with someone else's best. Plus you never know what's really behind that click of the camera.

If people are triggering you, you don't need to spend time agonising over why, or thinking that you're not a supportive lovely person. Just mute them. Make a quick decision. The longer we agonise over decisions, the harder it is to make them, trust your intuition.

To be your best 100% creative self, you need less noise. How can you hear what you really want to do if you're constantly listening to, reading and watching what other people are doing?

On Facebook you can mute people, and you can do the same on insta by clicking the 3 little buttons when you see their post in your newsfeed.

On twitter, you might see content in Tweets you’d like to avoid. You have the option to mute Tweets that contain particular words, phrases, usernames, emojis, or hashtags. Muting will remove these Tweets from your Notifications tab, push notifications, SMS, email notifications, Home timeline, and from replies to Tweet. Find out how to mute in twitter here.

Want to mute topics on YouTube?

Click your profile photo. It's at the top-right corner of the page. ...

Click YouTube Studio. It's near the top of the menu. ...

Click Settings. ...

Click Community. ...

Scroll down to "Blocked Words". ...

Enter words or phrases you want to block. ...

Click Save.

We want to create space to tap into what you do want.

Detox your newsfeed and news

Next address and newsfeed or news addiction (if you have one, if you haven't you're already ahead of the curve!).

The more time we spend mindlessly consuming other people's stuff, the less time we have to create our own stuff. If you have to check the news, pick your favourite source and check it once a day. And if you're going on social media, set a timer and then get off!

And remember you're not a bad person if you step away from the madness of the world. There's a lot of bad things going on out there that we don't really have the agency to do anything about - unless you are going to don a white helmet and get stuck into the next war zone.

But what you can do, how you can feel empowered in the world is by making a difference around you. Smile and say hi to people on the street, save hedgehogs, take bins out for your elderly neighbours, call a friend who might be lonely, send a surprise postcard to someone you love, volunteer or donate to a local charity, decided to spend your money with businesses whose values match yours.

You want your newsfeed and email to inspire and uplift you. You want to feel motivated and energised. Anything that is giving you less than that needs to go.

Be ruthless - protect yourself like a lion protects her cubs.

And if you really want to get busy look around you, are there things in your home no, longer giving your joy, could you ditch those old t-shirts, or that knackered ironing board, would using a new fluffy towel everyday give you joy?

You get to curate what goes in. Be the best gate keeper you can be.

You'll have more time, less triggers and less stuff to wade through before you get to the stuff you really want to see!

What are you holding onto in your life that no longer serves you?

And then you’ve got time and space to listen to your intuition, to develop your business and to start getting creative!

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