Is it true? Can you change your entrepreneurial mindset and personality?

Is it true? Can you change your entrepreneurial mindset and personality?

This is a question that’s well worth pondering? We often label ourselves as certain things. We might say we’re a glass half empty type of person. Or you might say with conviction ‘I’m a perfectionist. Or that you lack confidence, or that you struggle to stay motivated.

But what’s actually happening when we stick these labels on ourselves? Is it helpful for you to stick yourself in a box and stick rigidly to who you know yourself to be? And have a definite idea of your entrepreneurial mindset and personality?

Or is there the option that you can have multiple personalities and different times?

And not in a schizophrenic type of way!

I’ve been training for the past 8 months to be a certified mindset coach and hypnotist, and so I’ve been thinking more and more deeply about these types of questions.

What is your entrepreneurial mindset and personality?

Are you a fixed mindset person, who decides what’s what and that’s it?  Or are you a growth mindset person, who believes that you can grow, adapt and change as you go?

My mother bought round a big whole pile of my school reports the other day and the vast array of comments is a little shocking.

While I am a growth mindset, glass half full type of person, I thought I had a good handle on the type of person I thought I was. But looking through these reports, I could see multiple Debbie’s all the same time.

Here’s a brief glimpse into what I’m talking about…


‘Always very polite and well behaved, and a popular member of the class’

‘Well Spoken, but her manner can verge on insolence at times’

And these were both at Junior School before I’d even got started!

My work style

‘Debbie takes her work seriously and always gives her best; homework is always completed.’

‘Debbie endeavours to research for each task. She often appears to be busy but is not well organised.’

And my favourite Physical Education

‘Debbie shows a good understanding of the rules, tactics and principles.’

‘Debbie often fails to fully understand the tactics and ideas used in PE activities.’

There are so many examples of this throughout my reports that it really got me to thinking, that we are generally all things. If you read all my reports without my name at the top, you would think they were talking about a different girl.

There are times we are not sure of ourselves and there are times when we are confident. There are times when we are motivated and easily get on with things and there are times when we struggle to maintain focus and get things done.

But often we label ourselves and create a view of ourselves that is restrictive and doesn’t allow this complexity of our characters to show through.

We can be all things at all times.

When we decide on a version of ourselves, our brains lookout for evidence that we are right. Which then in turns creates more surety in ourselves that we are indeed that type of person.

Often this vision we have of ourselves is put there by other people. Partners, teachers, parents.

In most of my reports I have an aptitude for maths and am confident with numbers. In those vital GSCE years, I had a teacher who used to lean over the girls when resting his nether regions on our shoulders, shouted that if we didn’t improve we would find ourselves working in a factory and told me I wasn’t very good at maths. And that has stayed my view for a long time until I’ve just read through these reports.

Perhaps I was good at maths? Perhaps two years with a sexual predator for a teacher wasn’t the best while studying for that GCSE?

Is the belief I’ve had about my abilities been tainted all this time?

One of my clients believes that she lacks confidence, but a quick dig around discovered a very confident young girl who played football with the boys, climbed trees and refused to conform. The confidence is still there, she’s just hidden it away and created a new narrative for herself, that we’re now starting to unfold.

What are you telling yourself that is holding you back?

What beliefs do you have about yourself that no longer serve you?

If this has resonated with you and you’d like to explore any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that are holding you back I have the opportunity for you to book in an intensive Personal Breakthrough Session with me.

I’m only offering 3 of these – my diary is pretty busy! And I’m doing it at a discount to help me gain my certification in mindset coaching and hypnotherapy.

Are you holding onto a version of yourself that means that you’re playing small? Are you frustrated at the progress you’re making in your business when you can see others leaping ahead? What would it mean to you to feel more confident, more motivated and more in control of where you are going?

These Personal breakthrough sessions will help you to recalibrate your deep-seated ideas about yourself. We’ll be looking at your habits & behaviours, beliefs and values and your personal history to see how and why you’re holding yourself back. Then we’ll be creating a plan for you going forward to get clarity on where you want to be and the actions you need to take.

You’ll get your own personalised hypnosis to listen to at home and part of the plan will include tapping into the law of attraction and EFT.

Interested? The Personal Breakthrough sessions will be split into 2x90-minute sessions and would cost £937 at my current rate, but I’m offering it at half price at £467 and you can also split this over 2 payments of £234 a month.

If you want to take me up on this offer, please get in touch!

Sending you lots of love,

Debbie xoxox

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