
Learn to perfect the art of saying a gentle 'no' in business.

Learn to perfect the art of saying a gentle 'no' in business.

This blog is a clarion call to all founders and entrepreneurs to start exercising a little gentleness towards themselves. To start looking after themselves. To start creating the space they need to rest and grow. To perfect the art of saying a gentle no.

If you’re not taking a risk – perhaps you’re not doing it properly?

If you’re not taking a risk – perhaps you’re not doing it properly?

This morning I want to talk about taking risks and why it’s important to the success of your business.

The very fact that you’re reading this already means, that you’ve already taken one of the biggest risks in your life. You started a business.

How to cure yourself of comparison and what you should do instead

How to cure yourself of comparison and what you should do instead

We’re all tempted to compare ourselves to others – in fact, it’s inbuilt. The desire to fit in, to be part of a community, is as much as part of the human experience as farting!

You might look at others and think that they are achieving more, that they are more organised than you, that they work with better clients, that their website copy is better written than yours.

Is it true? Can you change your entrepreneurial mindset and personality?

Is it true? Can you change your entrepreneurial mindset and personality?

This is a question that’s well worth pondering? We often label ourselves as certain things. We might say we’re a glass half empty type of person. Or you might say with conviction ‘I’m a perfectionist. Or that you lack confidence, or that you struggle to stay motivated.

Where do good ideas come from?

Where do good ideas come from?

If you’re anything like me you’ll be having ideas for new products, new services and new businesses all time. Opportunities are everywhere. I must have mapped out the framework of several books by now both fiction and non-fiction and don’t get me started on how many different domain names I’ve bought over the years for various projects.

6 ways to build a business you love

6 ways to build a business you love

Building a business is one of the most rewarding things you can do, but it has the ability to get out of control and take over your life. In this article I’ve tried to lay out 6 things for you to focus on and have in mind as you build your business, so that you build a business you love.