How to create goals to build your dream business

Last week I spoke about 7 ways to manifest your dream life. Today I wanted to give a nod to actually making it happen.

Most importantly the actions you’re going to take to help you build your dream life.

Because while dreaming, visioning, writing those goals down and all that jazz is lovely, you need some action too!

So how do you turn these big lofty dreams and goals into action?

The first thing is you want to get specific. Woolly doesn’t cut it. I want numbers, dates, times alongside those goals.

Want to make more money this year? How much more money?

Want to go to some fantastic craft fairs? Which ones?

Want more clients? How many more clients?

Getting specific is super important. How will you know if you’ve been successful if you don’t know what success looks like? And super important for the woo woo manifesting side, how can the universe deliver what you want if you don’t tell it?

Next and here where the actions come in. Which one of your dreams is going to get closer to your goals? Which one thing could you focus on? Let’s get laser-focused.

Know what do you have to do to get there?

What actions can you take to build your business?

I was talking about this during the week with my group coaching programme, and one of the people said they struggled to think about how they could get to the goal of doubling their income. What could they do?

Well one of the things to start with is look around at what you’re already doing that is working? Could you do more of that, could you charge more for that, could you create another product or service that people want and need, could you up your game and become more visible on social media, could you grow your email list, could you create a too good to miss offer?

Work with what you already have and grow that? You don’t have to think of some completely different pie in the sky thing. How could you improve your offering by 10%?

And tap into your emotions. Business coach Kate Taylor talks about tapping into the feeling of success and using that to feel and anchor yourself in the feeling, so whenever your working on your goals you can tap into how exciting it feels. Goal mapping coach Brian Mayne asks people to write down and draw the emotions and motivations behind wanting the goal.

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Then break your goal down. What small tasks can you do every day, or every week to get you closer to that goal?

Don’t like marketing yourself? Create a challenge to go live once every week to speak to and engage with your audience – it really works!

And if you’re new to video and want to get better I’m running a 5 day Facebook Live challenge starting on Monday so come and join us and practice in a safe space:

What actions do you need to take to realise your dreams and who could you enlist to help you with your goal?

Finally, set a deadline for your goal – when do you want it to happen by?

These businesses don’t grow by themselves. And one of the most fabulous things is that your small business is agile. You can try things out really quickly and learn from them. So what could you try out to bring you closer to your goal?