Do you have a vision for your business?

Having a vision for your business is a fantastic way to set out how you want your business to run and the desired outcome of all this amazing effort you’re putting in.

It helps you fine-tune what’s important, how you want to feel, the people you want to work with, the type of customers you have.

It creates a North Star that will help guide you and keep reminding you what’s important about what you do and why you do it.

In a vision you can unleash your imagination and go to town with how you want things to be. You’re creating the future you and your future business.

I often say how will you know when you get there if you haven’t defined where is.


And yes it’s all linked to manifesting and the law of attraction, but we’re going to be talking goals and actions a bit further along. And visioning is used by all sorts of people. Athletes have been using it for decades, creating a movie of how they want to perform in their heads and running through it multiple times before they get there.

You get to create the movie of your life and your business.

And part of that movie is also the process – how are you going to get there. The movie has a beginning, a middle and an end – just like a storyboard.

Creating your vision

First, I want you to write a description of the future of your business or project. For example the fabulous Digital Women have a fabulous description – they want to empower 1 million women to work in digital.

Then you get write a vivid description of what you want to achieve. A picture of the success of your business or a project at a particular time. What success looks like and feels like.

I’m so inspired by this vision From an American company Zingerman’s in the US who wanted to create a Farmers Market (taken from Life Scale by Brian Solis):

Throngs of people are milling around…amazed and excited at the abundance of locally produced produce…Every vendor is selling the best of what they are growing…all of these products have a story and none of them have travelled very far to get here…(it) serves as a catalyst for community development by offering an educational element and a local music scene…The market is a family event…Guests are thrilled with the produce, the chance to visit neighbours, and best of all, connect with farmers.

I can see it now and Zingerman’s wrote this before they’d even started or contacted anyone. And guess what it turned out exactly as their vision!

I met up with the My Business My Way team this morning to look at how we could grow the award-winning success of our toolkit. So far we’ve used the toolkit to empower 25 female entrepreneurs, 11 women on low-incomes looking at starting a business and next month we’re working with 30 young women at the start of their career at Boots.

We’ve big plans for the toolkit. And creating a vision of what we want to achieve and where we want to take it is going to help us empower more women in their lives, their businesses and their careers. I can’t wait to write it!

So do you have a vision for your business? Do you have a north star of where you’re taking it? Something that if I read it would paint a picture in my head of what it would look like and how you’re going to take it there.

For me, as debbiedooodah, I want to empower and build resilience in women from all walks of life so they can build their own financial independence. I want to build a community around me of women who empower me, who I empower and who empower each other. I’m doing this through the Blue Stockings, the Women Who Create podcast the My Way Toolkits and through my own programme of coaching, Freedom Seekers Academy and soon to be launched mini-courses.

It needs a bit more work, but the nuts and bolts are definitely starting to come together!

Find out how we can work together!