work smarter

The benefits of just doing it

The benefits of just doing it

Let’s just be clear here, Nike were definitely onto something when they came up with their logo – just do it.

Galvanising, inspiring, it’s encouraged a whole generation to get off their couches and just do something. Less thinking more doing!

- Psst - if you're looking to just do it, I've got a fabulous offer for you at the end!!

How to keep working when you feel hot, hot, hot!

How to keep working when you feel hot, hot, hot!

Wow, this summer has come out of nowhere!  We’ve been waiting for it and then bam. And my social media feeds are full of people wondering how on earth they are going to get anything done in the heat?

Not only do we slow down, but our phones slow down! So if your business is anything like mine and you spend time on your phone, you might be frustrated that it’s not running as fast!

40 things I’ve learnt by 40

40 things I’ve learnt by 40

I am going to be 40 this month, it feels like a big momentous occasion as this time 10 years ago I had just started my chemotherapy treatment and wasn’t even sure I’d make it another year.

Now here I am alive and kicking with an 11-year-old daughter, running my own business and owning my own home with a man I love. I am definitely celebrating turning another year older. Because what alternative to birthdays is there? Just death.

So, here are the 40 things I’ve learnt over the past 40 years.

10 steps to improving your self confidence

10 steps to improving your self confidence

Not feeling confident has such a big effect on how we put ourselves out into the world and how we view our ability to get things done. It’s heavily linked with self-esteem which is how you feel about ourselves, the way you look and the way you think, while confidence is more about how you feel about your ability to do things.

Feeling the burn of overwhelm? Try these 3 things instead

Feeling the burn of overwhelm? Try these 3 things instead

As female entrepreneurs we have a lot on our plate! Not only are we running businesses and trying to bring home the bacon, but if you’re on your own you’ve got an entire household to run and even if you live with someone, research shows that women do 60% more housework.

That’s a lot of plates that you’re juggling, so no wonder you might feel a little overwhelmed with all the to dos at times!

Planning your 90 day goals doesn't have to be scary!

Planning your 90 day goals doesn't have to be scary!

I’m a big believer in 90-day goals. Cutting up the year into manageable chunks of 90-days and then sitting back and looking at what you want to achieve in the next 90-days.

Sometimes looking at the whole financial year can feel overwhelming. Especially if we are then asked to set tasks and create actions alongside. I find it difficult to know what I’m cooking for dinner tomorrow, let alone what actions I’m going to take to grow my business in November!

4 Ways To Double Your Income In A Year

4 Ways To Double Your Income In A Year

So as we’ve just got past the end of the last financial tax year, I took some time to take down my whiteboard and add up my turnover and profit and was really surprised to see that I had actually doubled my profit from the year before!

Whoop! But then that led me to do some soul searching about what it was that actually made this seismic change. One, so I could learn from what I’ve obviously been doing well, and also so I could share that learning with you!

4 ways to deal with your negative thoughts

4 ways to deal with your negative thoughts

4 ways to deal with your negative thoughts - hint they're generally just trying to look after us!

We all have negative thoughts in our head. Telling us not to try things. Telling us we’d look silly if we even attempted something new. That it would fail. That no-one would buy it. That we shouldn’t get too big for our boots.

The shame that held me back for years

The shame that held me back for years

So I’m writing about pretty personal things here, here goes…

I'm sure all have things in our past that we feel bad or ashamed about. Perhaps they keep you awake at night, or catch you unawares and make you hang your head. It seems it's part of the human condition.

These feelings of shame and guilt about things in your past hold you back. They make you feel negatively towards yourself. A past you. Perhaps the things you did were bad, perhaps in the basic sense of the word, they are shameful? But the more you let these experiences of shame define who you are, the less able you are to be your best self now.