work smarter

Are you making sure you have enough time out of your business?

Are you making sure you have enough time out of your business?

I’m asking this pertinent question this week, after the flu left me floored last week and forced me to take time out of my business – a whole week to be exact, which as a freelancer is never an easy choice to make. But floored me is a good description.

And it got me to thinking as I lay there in bed about the decisions we make in our business, about our time, about money and about our fears and insecurities.

Inbox Zero and the curse of busyness

Inbox Zero and the curse of busyness

I rarely get to inbox zero. I feel like it’s worth putting that out there straight away. Every day my email inbox fills up with emails.

This morning I had 9 identical emails from different email accounts at around 2 am offering me guest blog posting – that’s an easy delete.

But not all emails come in that easy to disregard shape and size. A lot of them require my attention or my thoughts.

7 tips to manifesting your dream life!

7 tips to manifesting your dream life!

I wanted to share with you the 7 ways that I’ve cleared some of my clutter and started manifesting and creating my dream life.

When I started my business just over 6 years ago I was charging £15 an hour and was reliant on benefits to top up my income and put food on the table for me and Robin. If I can do it, so can you.

What the last 10 years have taught me

What the last 10 years have taught me

Life couldn’t be more different for me than it was in 2009. This time 10 years ago I had just finished chemotherapy and had no hair (anywhere!). Robin was 1 we lived in a small 2 up 2 down, with my friend Kim who lived on a sofa bed in the living room. We were living on income support and various pots of money from cancer charities and I watered down milk to save money (which my friend Kim really hated!)

If you’re under 40, run your own business and don’t have a pension – you may be interested in this.

If you’re under 40, run your own business and don’t have a pension – you may be interested in this.

If you run your own business, one of the top things that we can do is learn to love money, get in contact with the money we've got, know what's coming in and out of our bank and get on top of those debts. It's really difficult to bring more money in if we're ignoring parts of our money story.

Are you stuck and unable to move forward?

Are you stuck and unable to move forward?

I'm talking to you about feeling stuck - in your business mostly - and the feeling that you're not able to take any action. I've been talking about this with a number of clients that I've been working with and there's a common thread, a common mistake that many of us entrepreneurs are making; I have made it and I'm sure that you will have as well. 

Stop! You might be the one thing getting in the way!

Stop! You might be the one thing getting in the way!

Does it sometimes feel that you’re not getting anywhere? That you can take 2 steps forward and 3 back? That when you check out your bank balance it’s not really where you want it to be?

Could it be that no matter how hard you try, how many experts you listen to, how many webinars you sign up to, you’re still left in the same place?

20 ways to get more clients

20 ways to get more clients

If you provide a service to people, one of the things you’ll be spending most of your time focusing on is how to get more clients. Especially when you’re at the start of your journey and haven’t yet built up your reputation.

Not having enough clients and feeling like you’re constantly hustling to get them is the main thing that gives my clients anxiety. After all if you’re not bringing in money, your business isn’t really working and anxiety about where next months money is coming in breaks even the best of us.

“How can I be more authentic in my marketing?”

“How can I be more authentic in my marketing?”

“How can you I be more authentic in my marketing?” was a question I was asked this week at a course for female entrepreneurs I’m running with Nottingham Uni and the My Business My Way team.

And it got me thinking, how can we be more authentic? And what does being authentic mean?

I've just entered my 7th year in business - this is what I've learned!

I've just entered my 7th year in business - this is what I've learned!

This month my business journey tips into it’s 7th year – which I’m pretty excited about because it’s my favourite number. And given that word on the street (the internet) says that 30% of businesses fail in the first 2 years and 55% during the first 5 years, I reckon it’s a good reason to celebrate.

However, it has not all been flowers and sunshine along that way, so I wanted to share with you my learning. So that if you’re somewhere along the way and wondering if you’re going to make it, I can give you hope. Because if I can do it, you can do it.