social media

Why you should be creating 10 instagram stories a day

Why you should be creating 10 instagram stories a day

I’ve been doing some testing of Instagram stories for you over the past week and a half to see what effect it has on my followers and reach.

I was told that if I created at least 10 Instagram stories a day I would see a massive difference in my stats. So never one to shy away from a challenge, I went for it!

Facebook – are you getting enough reach?

Facebook – are you getting enough reach?

If you are running your own business and your target market is on Facebook (and that’s pretty much everyone) then at some point you might want to learn how to tame the Facebook beast.

And it can be a beast, so I thought the topic of this blog could be about Facebook, warts and all and have a really, good long look at this platform that is ubiquitous in all of our lives.

5 ways to work smarter with social media

5 ways to work smarter with social media

Now we all know businesses should be on social media these days.  If you aren’t there exciting your future customers, your competition will be.  But how can you work smarter with social media so that it gives you better results and saves you time?

This is the number one question my clients want answered!  And while I won’t be able to give you all the tips I give my clients, I’m going to lay bare my top 5 tips!

Why should I use social media for my business?

Why should I use social media for my business?

I’m passionate about the effectiveness of social media for business, as someone who’s worked in communications and marketing for over 15 years it’s a breath of fresh air opposed to the cold and staid version of marketing we used to have on TV, in magazine and printed on flyers.

Why being consistent with your twitter and Instagram name matters

Why being consistent with your twitter and Instagram name matters

This post is going to be part rant and part advice.

Please people when choosing your @names for Instagram and twitter, it’s so important to have the same names because…

More and more people are using Instagram to populate their twitter feeds.

74 Instagram hashtags for women in business

74 Instagram hashtags for women in business

Hello awesome women in business! We’re all over the social media, being the biggest users by far and more and more of us are starting new businesses every day! Go girl! So I wanted to create a big long list of hashtags that we can all use to build our businesses.

6 tips for being Social Media Savvy in Business

6 tips for being Social Media Savvy in Business


I know why people write top (insert your number) lists for blogs, it helps focus the mind, keeps us on track and readers know what to expect.  And that’s what you also require to be super social media savvy. You need to know who you’re writing for, you need to keep on track and your readers need know what to expect so you build the know, like, trust factor that’s so important in marketing – there, that’s one tip absolutely free!