Not sure if you’re guilty of self-sabotage in your business. Hears a little flavour of how it can rear its ugly head and derail the very thing you’re trying to do.
2020 Industry Trends for Small Businesses
Starting or growing your small business at the beginning of this decade may be an intimidating endeavour due to the vast array of technological and social changes currently happening. It goes without saying that in order to stay competitive, you should keep up with the trends. Adopting them early on enables you to differentiate your brand from the competition, but this only works if you fully understand what they are and how they can help your brand grow. To help you out, here’s a brief overview of the current trends dominating industries in 2020:
Before you shut up shop, do this instead...
What motivates you? Money? Fame? Helping others?
I wanted to come on here today to talk about your motivations for running your business, for getting up in the morning, for keeping on going. Because running a business can be tricky. It can be hard at times, and the more we understand what motivates us and keeps us going, what aspires us to be successful to grow our businesses, the more we can tap into that kind of secret magic and keep going.
How all lessons in business are good lessons - A Case Study with Emmie Faust
My 3 top tips for running your social media
How to build a business out of utter frustration - A Case Study with Curious Pancake!
Do you have a vision for your business?
How to make sure your business is found on Google - and why it's important!
4 Tips to Attract the Candidate of Your Dreams
Have you ever heard of the saying ‘no man (or woman) is an island’? Well, whoever said it first must have had entrepreneurs in mind. After all, you’re no superhero — also a great saying about entrepreneurs — and true business success relies on a solid team that will help you oversee all the nitty-gritty that comes with transforming your ideas into reality.
What are your pet hates about underhand sales techniques?
Are you making sure you have enough time out of your business?
I’m asking this pertinent question this week, after the flu left me floored last week and forced me to take time out of my business – a whole week to be exact, which as a freelancer is never an easy choice to make. But floored me is a good description.
And it got me to thinking as I lay there in bed about the decisions we make in our business, about our time, about money and about our fears and insecurities.
Interview with the Lady Boss Blogger
Inbox Zero and the curse of busyness
I rarely get to inbox zero. I feel like it’s worth putting that out there straight away. Every day my email inbox fills up with emails.
This morning I had 9 identical emails from different email accounts at around 2 am offering me guest blog posting – that’s an easy delete.
But not all emails come in that easy to disregard shape and size. A lot of them require my attention or my thoughts.
Faking it til you make it!
How to create goals to build your dream business
Last week I spoke about 7 ways to manifest your dream life. Today I wanted to give a nod to actually making it happen.
Most importantly the actions you’re going to take to help you build your dream life.
You are exactly where you need to be!
Happy New Year! At the beginning of this New Year, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit this video I made from last year.
I wanted to think about how we can manage the pressure that we need to be further along in our business, that we’re not far enough ahead, that we should be doing more things - just because we’ve had a bit of a break over the festive season. (And I hope you did have a bit of break too?)