The one thing you need to do for business success

The one thing you need to do for business success

Following my fabulous post last week on ‘How to love your Inner Boss’, I got lots of feedback from people who were overwhelmed with all the things they had to do.

On person wrote ‘Totally nailed how I’m feeling, I need to be kinder to myself. I just want a crystal ball to look through to see if all the blood, sweat and tears will be worth it.’.

Why you should be creating 10 instagram stories a day

Why you should be creating 10 instagram stories a day

I’ve been doing some testing of Instagram stories for you over the past week and a half to see what effect it has on my followers and reach.

I was told that if I created at least 10 Instagram stories a day I would see a massive difference in my stats. So never one to shy away from a challenge, I went for it!

5 amazing TED lectures that will change how you do business

5 amazing TED lectures that will change how you do business

My beloved Great nan Ruby once told me that you never stop learning no matter how old you are. To me, she seemed very old, and that idea amazed me.

I thought we went to school, college and maybe university, and then phew stopped. ‘That’s it I’ve stopped learning’, on with the real business of being alive.

I never knew that the real business of being alive was learning and ostensibly growing.

Why learning to be vulnerable is vital to your success

Why learning to be vulnerable is vital to your success

This is a topic that has been bubbling away under the surface for about a year now for me and it’s about time I shared it with you.

It’s something I talk about with my clients, when I mentoring start-ups at Nottingham Trent University and when I’m giving lectures.

The ability to be vulnerable and for you to be able to embrace your vulnerabilities is going to be pivotal to you being able to market yourself on social media and grabbing success with both hands.