7 ways you can have a happy hustle!

7 ways you can have a happy hustle!

The word hustle is a little tarnished these days. The hashtag #hustlehard has been used 2,308, 093 times and counting on Instagram. And it’s filled with pictures of men, with a black and white feel, with slogans like ‘You can’t have a million dollar dream with a minimum-wage work ethic’ or ‘If you’re not gaining knowledge, connections or money, you’re wasting your time’.

Your social media likes don't pay the bills

Your social media likes don't pay the bills

Last week I attended the fabulous Social Day Conference and one of the things that emerged from the talks is that likes don’t pay the bills. Those vanity metrics that we love so much, likes on our posts, comments and shares essentially don’t pay our bills. It’s clients and customer that pay our bills.

So how do we turn those likers in payers? How do we convert people who love us on Facebook and Instagram into people who help us put food on the table and pay our bills?

The one thing you need to do for business success

The one thing you need to do for business success

Following my fabulous post last week on ‘How to love your Inner Boss’, I got lots of feedback from people who were overwhelmed with all the things they had to do.

On person wrote ‘Totally nailed how I’m feeling, I need to be kinder to myself. I just want a crystal ball to look through to see if all the blood, sweat and tears will be worth it.’.

Why you should be creating 10 instagram stories a day

Why you should be creating 10 instagram stories a day

I’ve been doing some testing of Instagram stories for you over the past week and a half to see what effect it has on my followers and reach.

I was told that if I created at least 10 Instagram stories a day I would see a massive difference in my stats. So never one to shy away from a challenge, I went for it!